Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Not yet too big on themselves

Just yesterday Jenni Ovenstone Smith and I were discussing 'youth' ministry.  Ministry is ministry, sharing the Good News of Christ's life, bringing people closer to Christ and one another, sharing joys and sorrows, support and challenge.  The 'youth' added to ministry means more creativity, more direct comments and talk, more opportunity to deeply touch lives.

So, this morning when I read the following meditation I am again reminded that ministry is ministry is ministry and talking about God is talking about God.

From Daily Feast, Meditations for Feasting on the Word, Year C, Page 99.

"Tuesday, Jeremiah 1:4-10

Jeremiah is ushered into something bigger and better, into God's truth and life of service to the Almighty. Perhaps this is the edge young people have: they are not too big themselves just yet, either physically or in the soul.  Jeremiah's solid excuse for why he cannot speak God's word is that he is 'only a youth'- as if grownups know how to speak of God!  Never do we speak of God capably. We try, we mumble impotent sounds; but does this not happen with babies who coo or with young lovers? The most eloquent words we can muster seem ridiculously inadequate, and the stammer voices the truest affection.
James C. Howell

What excuses have you given to God about your call?

God who calls me into life, help me remember that it is so much bigger and better than I can every imagine. Amen."

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