Saturday, November 10, 2012

More Experience

We all reach age when learning what others seek to teach us is not as powerful as learning what we want, or need to know.  It's called adult learning, and, I don't know if there is a magic age threshold we cross.  I do know that adult learning  builds upon those years of accumulated knowledge and means that we become interested in those lessons that help us gain confidence and competence.  Adult learning means that we need to always we aware of what we need to learn next and shape our lives toward that goal.

Adult learning also means that while new information will come to us, we are also learning by reflecting on our lives.  This is the action-reflection- action model.    To retain new information, we must practice it. 

The keen interest to gain competence and confident is at its height when we begin a new role.  Elected to the governing board, what do I need to learn to contribute at meetings. Teaching Sunday Schol for the first time, what do I need to do to prepare? How will I be in front of the  class?    

New clergy have a particularly steep learning curve because  role and integration of academic learning take place similtaneously.  A safe place to learn becomes particularly important.  

Monday, November 5, 2012


Many ways are offered to help us learn from experience.  Journaling, spiritual direction, assessing for change, assessing for stability, informal conversations with friends, programs that help us behavior differently.  There are so many ways experience is folded into our everyday live, that we may miss how God communes with us through experience.

God shares with us through experience when we are in a safe place to learn.  We need to feel beneath us that support of God's presence before we are ready to take in our experience as holy. That safe place may not be in the moment when we are challenged and perhaps even feeling incompetent. (Adults hate feeling incompetent.  In fact they will reject learning in order not to feel incompetent.) That safe place may be later when our breathing returns to normal, we can find a quiet place in our selves where we have access to God's support, and, when we can assess what has happened.

God shares with us through experience when that safe place, and the challenge, support, assessment come together.  Challenge, support, and assessment are key concepts in leading programs of leadership development to refine skill and build on personal strength.  However, challenge, support, and assessment are also the key concepts of discerning the personal awareness, the personal acceptance, and the inner spaciousness to learn what God shares with you.

These concepts will be expanded in future blog entries.  For today as a summary, an experience challenges your emotions, beliefs, or, capacity.  The support of God's presence opens new pathways to understanding that challenge.  And, as you reflect you assess the why, when, and hows of your connection, or not connection, with God in that experience.

Find your safe place today, and, reflect on moments when God shared with you through your experience.