Monday, August 27, 2012

What can we bless together?

The following reflection is too good not to share.  It comes from Daily Feast: Meditations from Feasting on the Word, Year B.  While is applies to the lessons a few weeks ago, I continue to reflect on the first sentence.  The conversations all around us, public and personal, predominately focus on what is wrong.  As Christians can we be something else and realistic at the same time?  I believe we can!

Psalm 34:1-8
There are many communities of faith today held together more by what they condemn together than by what they bless together.  Is your community one that condemns together or one that blesses together?  "Let us exalt his name together," is the hope of Psalm 34.  When the psalmist declares, "the images hearken back to the radiance of Moses."  It was Moses whose face shone with the glory after he had been in the presence of God.  Can the preacher describe a radiant face she has seen lately?  In particular, however, the hearer is urged to '"look to him" in order to be radiant.  The Lord might be rather like the sun, our star, after all.  It shines forth light that is then reflected.  Those who look to God actually reflect God.  The one who sees God is rather like the moon, then, or a planet, reflecting the light of the sun.  Even if each of us reflects that light at a different angle, or with perhaps a slightly different hue, the light itself is the light of deliverance (vv. 4 and 6.)
Sam Chandler

Read this psalm.  What goodness of God have you seen reflected this day?

1 comment:

  1. Great post.....In our parish over the last month (and it is small and unique) we have seen tragedy. A young man takes his life; a womens husband is chronically ill, however she suddenly dies. And the "whys" dominate the conversation..
    But what I've come to see is the genuine goodness and concern of the folks who came to minister to these families.
    Being a small parish, we feel the pulse of everyones situation, we personally know most of those we pray for..
    The goodness of God is always present,even through the dark times...but you gotta look.....

