Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Word among the words, a weekly resource

Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post was precise in her point when she reported on June 12 “Three of the most contentious question in American culture and politics – gay rights, gun control, and terrorism- collided in a horrific way in a Orlando nightclub early Sunday.”

Throughout last week sources from each of those perspectives reported, videoed, wrote, cried, grieved, stormed, and voted. Each story focused on one part of these three contentious issues. Yet, I wondered how does a practicing Christian put the three together? I knew it certainly is not based solely on news reports. So, I did what I hoped many other practicing Christians did last Sunday. I went to church. And, I went to church where I knew the preacher would address these questions.

The Sunday sermon I heard didn’t dodge the horrendous grief of the event or the complexity of the issues. The words did not rush to judgment or claim a political stance. In my Christian practice, I support gun control, I support the LGBTQ community, and, I support Muslim citizens in their religious and political freedom. Yet, I was not looking for the preacher to support my beliefs. I was listening for the preacher to make the theological connections among the scripture text for Sunday, the contentious issues, and, our collective experience from last week. In Christian practice, I sought the discipline of biblical interpretation by a sensitive pastor. I listened for ways that other’s understandings coming out of our shared sacred texts and shared experience shaped my life. I listened for my community’s sources to think about these three issues together. That is what a Sunday sermon does. Those connections are what the Sunday preacher offered the congregation.

And, that faith practice of listening to a sermon was happening in millions of congregations all over the nation last weekend. My faith community is Christian so I went on a Sunday. And, in this “Re-Wirement” season of my life, I am able to choose the congregation I attend each Sunday. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday millions of people were listening last weekend for the Word among the words. The only place I know to find the Word among the words in a sermon preached in worshipping community of faith.


  1. Carol, indeed how do we respond? You nailed it!

  2. I have enjoyed your blog entries, Carol. Looking forward to our next conversation...
