Wednesday, September 4, 2013

You have searched me out and known me.

The Psalm for this coming Sunday is Psalm 139, one of my favorites. This is the Pslam I turned to in my late twenties when I was trying to discern who I was. Living alone, managing a house, job, friends, and broken relationships, I was not moving deeper to understand myself and who I was with God. It was lonely. I did not turn to friends because I felt only God and me could work this out. Yet, nothing that I could recognize from God seemed to be coming my way. More doors where closing than opening. It was comforting to me to hear in this Psalm that that even if I didn't know who I was and where I was called, God knew. Even if I couldn't see it at the time, God knew. And, not only did God know but that knowing stretched through my past, my painful present, and my hope for the future. "God, you know my sitting down and rising discern my thoughts from are acquainted with all my ways..." A Life with God is not a straight line up an ever winding spiral. We revisit our joys and sorrows at different parts in our life seeing them with a new perspective of the accumulated days lived. We find ourselves sure of what we are doing and wonder and times of transition, "who am I?" Psalm 139 is always there for me

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