Friday, March 2, 2012

Daily Devotion - Daily Feast

The devotions this week are from Daily Feast: Meditations from Feasting on the Word, Year B.

Mark 8:31-38

As long as self reigns, we will forever be seeking painless shortcuts to the kingdom.  We will try and try again to substitute another way for the way of the cross.  But only when we deny self and take up the cross can we follow Jesus.  All of our attempts to save our lives are futile (vv. 35-38).  All our efforts to make another way are a denial of the one who showed us the way, the way of the cross.  This is true discipleship.  In the end, true messiahship and true discipleship are inextricably connected.  When we are finally willing to accept Jesus for who he is, the suffering one who lays down his life for others, then we can understand who we are to be, and denying self, we can take up the cross and follow him.

W. Hulitt Gloer

1 comment:

  1. To paraphrase ? who loses his life for my sake gains it....It's difficult, indeed, to pick up ones cross..because human "nurture" is such that we don't want anything to do with crosses, we need the easy way out.......
    It's the letting go completely..ah, me...

    Ceil I.l
