At St. John's Episcopal Church yesterday, we heard that the skills that create our work do not, in God's eyes, create our worth. The Rev. Nick Szobota, our preacher for the day, pointed out that a diversity of skills, capacities, and, excellence is necessary for our common life. And, as the collect of our tradition reminds us, God 'so linked our lives one with another that all we do affects, for good or ill, all other lives...'
Our worth in God's eyes is not based on our labor alone. Our worth is based on God embracing us as God's children, children who are inheritently worthy of love, respect, and, recognition for the contributions each of us makes to the common good. Our worth does not come from society's esteem, which will change in each generation, but remains constant throughout the ages because our worth comes from God.
On this Labor Day, remember your worth in God's eye just as we remember the labor we contribute for the goodness of us all.
This was a superb, meaningful, sermon!