Last night on PBS, the opening program of Ken Burn's documentary on our National Parks featured the importance of John Muir. Muir, a naturalist, geologist, mountain man, and a man of faith wrote with a compelling and unique perspective about the significance of natural beauty. For Muir the meaning of the natural landscape moved beyond perserving and appreciating beauty. Nature was the place where human beings could locate themselves as creatures part of creation, smaller than God. At the same time human beings can observe God's life in the horizon and feel God's life within our hearts. Muir brought science and faith into one realm where God could be both creator and lover.
Practical Christians locate themselves within creation belonging to the grandeur God creates and feeling that grandeur within our hearts.
I also am one who is moved by being in the mountains. My family has heard me say, too many times I'm sure, that "God lives in the mountains." The first time I saw the Canadian Rockies I got tears in my eyes. A totally invountary reaction. I feel a spiritual kinship with nature that can momentarily be overwhelming.