If anyone wondered if living in the life of Christ ever made any difference, the answer was plain to see in this past week. Any range of reactions can be expected from a horrible murder/suicide of our colleague and friend. A mentally troubled homeless man, every parish knows at least one of these wandering people. A parish secretary and a co rector could be any of us. A homeless man known to the parish with a gun kills the parish secretary, the co rector, and then himself forces us beyond the bounds of our ability of comprehend and cope. Any range of reactions can be expected as people feel the safety crumble beneath them.
For the people of St. Peter's, our neighboring congregation, St. John's and the people of the Diocese of Maryland, a range of reactions did not occur. What occurred was an outpouring of love, anticipatory concern for anyone who might be effected, compassion even in the midst of anger, and an outpouring of offers to help. We didn't get to that place of facing life by accident. We got there through a life of Christ lived imperfectly yet faithfully every day.